Environmental Consultancy Office Accreditation Certificate
Environmental Assessment & Permits Center
A service providing applicants with a license to practice environmental consultancy or services.
1- Application submitted electronically on Invest Easy portal
2- Application reviewed by the Environmental Assessment & Permits Center
3- Certificate issued if all requirements are met
- Royal Decree no. 114/2001 issuing the Law on Conservation of the Environment and Prevention of Pollution
- Royal Decree 27/2016 issuing the Law Regulating the Work of Engineering Consultancy Offices
- Regulations for organizing consultancy offices upon the issuance of the Regulations for Accrediting Environmental Consultancy Offices
For Categories A and B
- The office shall have valid ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 issued by the competent national/international authorities.
- The office shall have environmental monitoring and measurement equipment or the necessary capabilities to acquire the equipment needed to conduct environmental studies.
Business Services
Individual Services
Environmental Assessment & Permits Center (Applications Assessment Section)
Consultancy office accreditation certificate
1- Completed Registration Form
2- Commercial Registration Certificate issued by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion licensing the activity to be practiced
3- Office general information (corporate e-mail, address, post box, postal code, contacts numbers).
4- Copy of the ID card of the office owner or Omani employees, or resident cards of non-Omani experts
5- Office general information on number of employees, including consultants, experts, specialists and technicians
6- Resumes and experience certificates of office staff members conducting environmental impacts assessments study
7- Copies of past reports, research, studies and analyses conducted by the office and its staff with regards to environmental impacts studies/environmental services
8- List of devices and equipment
9- Any documents or other information required by the competent authority.
Three (3) years
Fourteen (14) working days if all required documents were submitted by the service provider
Fees will be specified after issuing the relevant regulations