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Chemicals And Waste Management

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The production of chemicals has become one of the largest economic sectors and most popular in the world due their broad use in the industrial, oil and other sectors, and the dependence of modern society on them in various manufacturing processes and uses. However, it is necessary to balance the recognition of the essential role played by these resources and their contribution to development, the provision of needs and the raising of the standard of living And recognizing their potential harmful effects on the environment and human health. By virtue of the multiplicity of those effects and their consequences, sound management of chemicals is a key component of sustainable development, with the production and use of chemicals in ways that reduce their extreme harmful effects on humans and the environment and emphasize their significant role on economic growth promotion.

Department of Chemical Substances was established according to the Royal Decree No. 46/95 (article.6), with the objective of sound management of chemicals, reducing their risks, exchanging knowledge and information, following the best environmental practices and using available techniques, improve national capacities and technical cooperation, reduce illegal international trade, and reduce the accumulation of hazardous waste, which contributes to reducing environmental incidents that may result from them.

In order to achieve sound management of chemicals, the department adopted comprehensive approach aimed at reducing risks and preventing adverse impacts throughout all stages of the chemical life cycle, from production or import through processing, storage, transportation, distribution, use and disposal. With chemicals touching nearly every aspect of our lives, achieving the sound management of chemicals is a process which must involve a wide range of actors nationally and regionally including government, industry, the agricultural sector, workers, research institutes and academia, public interest groups and individual citizens.

Sound management of chemicals aims to protect human health and avoid adverse impacts on the environment. This can be accomplished through:

  • Increasing awareness within all sectors of society of the risks associated with chemicals
  • Prevention, i.e., taking steps to avoid or minimize chemical pollution, contamination, accidents, and poisonings
  • Control and management of chemicals which present risks to health and the environment resulting from extraction, manufacture, use, handling, transport, storage and disposal of chemicals. This includes emergency preparedness and response capabilities in the event of an accident.

Department of Chemicals has joined five international conventions dealing with the prohibition of certain highly hazardous substances and their production:

  • The Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM)
  • The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)
  • Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants
  • Rotterdam Convention on Prior Informed Consent for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade

Also, the Ministry is seeking to join the Minamata Convention on mercury.

Types of chemicals licenses:

E-Services System:

  •  Permit to manufacture hazardous chemical substances
  •  Permit for the handling of Hazardous chemical materials (at local level)

To apply, click here

Bayan System

  •  Permit of import of chemicals
  •  Permit of export of chemicals

To apply, click here

In the event that you want to send the secret components that the factory keeps supplying with you, please kindly inform them by sending these components to the following email:

Important attachments:

Guide to Chemical Licensing Procedures (Available in Arabic only)

Guide to the classification of chemicals -Risk code guide with risk statement (Available in Arabic only)

List of Hazardous Chemicals (Available in Arabic only)

Periodic Report Manual

Guide for procedures for issuing chemical substances licenses electronically

Chemical Safety Data Sheets(SDS)

Guide to marking chemicals and placing posters and labeling on them.

Waste Management

Important attachments:

Guidelines for the requirements of integrated waste management


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