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International Organisations & Agreements

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The Convention on Biological Diversity open-box

  • Country : Montreal, Canada
  • Joint Date : 1994
  • Scope :

Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity open-box

  • Country : Switzerland
  • Joint Date : 2002
  • Scope :

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) open-box

  • Country : Austria
  • Joint Date : 1985
  • Scope :

    Aims to provide technical and financial support to member countries to assist them in their obligations to implement international agreements of the United Nations.

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) open-box

  • Country : New York, USA,
  • Scope :

    Aims to provide technical and financial support to member states to assist them in their obligations to implement international agreements of the United Nations.

The Arab Council of Ministers responsible for environmental affairs emanating from the League of Arab States open-box

  • Country : Cairo
  • Joint Date : 1980
  • Scope :
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